Miss Lizzy’s Performing Arts Academy is offering a variety of camps! These Art Classes and Dance Camps are more bite-sized than our usual classes. Get ready to be creative and express yourself through our art classes and dance camps!
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Jackson Pollock 5-8
Students will get to explore the incredible world of Jackson Pollock and action painting. We will use simple and household items to create paintings that connect with movements as opposed to specific subjects. Once these paintings have developed and layered, we will then have some brief lessons on drawing human faces in order to add to our pieces.
March 8, 09:00 am-09:45 am
Ages: 5-8Price: $25.00
Jackson Pollock 9-13
Students will dig deeper into the complexities of Jackson Pollock's life, developing a love and respect for his ability to "become one with the painting". Students will use some similar methods to action paint and "connect" those movements to their own piece. We will use pieces of these pieces to collage composite self-portraits, emphasizing the things that made Pollock's work important to a mid-20th century American society.
March 8, 10:00 am-11:30 am
Ages: 9-13Price: $35.00